Sunday, February 10, 2013

Vote for a low income school to win a life changing grant

I had the opportunity to work at Ohio Avenue Elementary school for five years.  My time there was very rewarding.  Please take the time to vote so this well deserving school has a chance to win a grant that would expose their students to the arts in a way that has not been available to them before. read on to fidn out more about the grant.  You can vote once a day!

Ohio Avenue Adaptation Integration & The Arts Enrichment Project
Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Columbus City School District

The Ohio Avenue Adaptation Integration & The Arts Enrichment Project would bring together teaching artists and educators to enrich student learning through providing an ongoing arts-integrated curriculum for our students. The project would provide opportunities for our students and staff to engage in and experience the power of the arts through collaborative teaching and learning with a variety of community artists and teachers at the school. The inclusive project would bring together all students of both regular and special eduation. It would expose our students to various aspects of the arts through integration into the curriculum and would provide opportunities for performance, engagement with the community, and encourage creativity.

Impact of the Grant:

Currently, students at our school have visual art and vocal music once a week for 30-60 minutes depending on their grade level. We have one third grade class that is participating in a dance residency in which they get dance once a week for 60 minutes. If our school was granted the NBC4i Make a Difference Grant we could utilize the financial support to increase the number of students and the amount of time that our students have with the arts while enriching our curriculum and thus learning for our students. Our staff believes strongly that we should do everything in our power to provide enriched and meaningful learning opportunities for our students during the school day since there are many factors that we cannot control when our students are not with us. We have seen the impact of the dance residency partnership with community organization VSA (The State Organization on Arts and Disability) with one of our third grade classes this year and we want to expand the program to reach more students and to engage more teachers. The collaboration between community artists and teachers would also develop capacity and understanding of the arts and integration so that our teachers could continue arts enrichment even after the project has completed the funding period. The grant would allow us to have at least 4 teaching artists for the upcoming school year.