Monday, June 29, 2015


I am feeling an extreme case of information overload!  Joining the TpT Seller's Challenge has been great for me.  I've gained the motivation to update my TpT store and products.  But I've learned there is so much more I could be doing to promote my store that I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed at this point.  One TpT friend said to come up with a "to do" list and to accomplish those goals one at a time. Good idea.  Here's my list:

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

TPT Seller's Challenge

Summer's here.  The days are long and lazy, and I can't seem to find the motivation to get things done when I don't have a schedule!  The TPT Seller's Challenge is just what I need to get myself in gear and get the work done on my store that I've been putting off all school year.

The first order of business in the challenge was to update one item in my store.  That was a LONG, and arduous task, but with the help of some other TPTers I was able to update many things in my store, with the hopes of having everything updated before summer is through.  Here are the results of my first makeover.

 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Booklet and Comprehension Set

For week 2 I really needed to think about WHY I have a TPT store.  What are my goals?  What are my dreams?


Take Trips  I really want to travel.  I've always wanted to visit every state in the USA.  I would love to go to other countries.  I want to take a big trip to Disney World before my kids grow up.  I want to experience new things in different places.  I want to LIVE before I die.  Originally the plan was for my husband and I to wait until we retire to do all of these things, but life is too short to wait for retirement.  It is my hope and dream that the profits from my TPT store can supplement the trips I hope to take in the near future.

Debt Free  I would LOVE to be debt free, or at least have less debt.  Paying off my husband's student loans and my car would make a big difference in our finances.

College Savings  I was fortunate enough to have my college paid for by my parents.  I am concerned I will not be able to do that for my 2 children.  I do not want them to have the burden of paying off student loans like we are with my husband's loans.  It would be nice to have enough saved up to pay for their college education.

So that's it for week 2!  I'm going to continue updating my store and getting new products out there.  I am loving this challenge and am learning so much from other TPTers.  I can't wait to see what week 3 is all about!

Thanks to these gals for setting up the challenge:
