Wednesday, January 9, 2013

So THIS is how you make a blog

Wow!  I never thought I'd see the day when I had my own blog.  I'm proud of myself.  I'm getting out of my comfort zone and I'm trying something new.  Desperation will do that to you!  Why am I desperate, you ask?  Well, it's a long story but it all comes down to this:  I am having a challenging year, to say the least.  Or maybe just a midlife crisis.  Either way, it gave me the courage to start a blog.

I think my husband will be happy.  I have all these ideas racing through my mind and he is the lucky one who gets to hear all about them:)  Now you get to be the lucky one who gets to be privy to these wonderful ideas! 
Here's a little bit about me-I'm a thirty something elementary teacher currently teaching second grade at an inner city school. I've worked at 4 schools in 15 years and have experience teaching grades k-3 and 6-8.  I'm glad I've had the chance to teach so many grade levels.  It's helped me figure out that second grade is my favorite grade.  I love second graders.  They are so cute, not to mention self sufficient, really eager to learn, and still love their teacher.  They make me feel like a super hero with their daily hugs and letters of devotion. 
One thing I've learned over the years as an educator is that teaching is A LOT of work. I'm not just talking about the physical aspect of teaching, but also about all of the prep work that goes into making sure each lesson is taylored to every student.  It is exhausting.
 Something else I've learned is that I can't do it all alone. Oh, I've tried. Believe me.  Teaching is an isolated profession.  At what other job do you go into a room with 25-30 children for several hours a day and have little to no interraction with your peers?  Our 30 minute lunch breaks aren't spent chit chatting in the teacher's lounge, but are spent setting up the classroom for that awesome science experiment that took us weeks to plan.  Wouldn't it be so much easier if we had a little help?
Here's where the blog comes in.  This is a place where we can help each other.  I'm looking forward to sharing my ideas with all of you as well as hearing your ideas.  I'm anxious and excited to see where this new adventure takes me!


  1. I think this is a great idea Sara and I am inspired by your courage to do something new and different. I look forward to reading about your ideas, inspiration and helpful hints. Bravo!
