Thursday, July 30, 2015

It's Time For School!

I cannot believe my kiddos will be returning to school in 12 short days!  Where has the summer gone?  We had such rainy weather here for most of June and some of July that we spent the majority of that time waiting for the hot sunny weather to stay around for longer than a day.  We have really only just started feeling the dog days of summer.  Of course, my kids are at camp all week and it's gorgeous outside!  I've been cooped up in the house trying to get all of the school work done since I have the laptop all to myself this week.
I have been working tirelessly on my TPT store, updating old products and creating new ones, but it is so time consuming!  I've learned A LOT from other TPTers this summer and have been putting all of that new knowledge to use, but as with anything, it will take time for me to get it all down.  The good news is I enjoy creating all of this so much that I don't even notice the time passing by!
I am very proud of my newest product.  It is a frog unit!  For the first time I used actual photographs and I think it turned out really nice!  I enlisted the help of my teaching partner to peruse it and tell me what I needed to add and sure enough she had some great ideas!  This unit contains 65 full color and black and white pages of text, writing prompts, graphic organizers, a slide show, and more!  You can check it out HERE!

Right now it is full price in my shop BUT you can get up to 28% off August 3-4 only during the sitewide TPT sale!  EVERYTHING in my store will be on sale, those 2 days only.  So don't miss out!

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